Oxford city council encourages Landlords to register early for new licensing scheme
Oxford city council will, from 1 September 2022, introduce a city wide 'selective licensing' scheme.
Under the scheme all rented homes, which form just under half (49.5%) of the city's housing, will require a license. For 'early bird' registering Landlords a discounted rate is being offered should the application be completed before 30 November.
The new initiative expands on the existing 'House in Multiple Occupation' licensing which has operated since 2011 and will require all private Landlords to demonstrate that they are a 'fit and proper person' and are complying with all relevant legislation.
An information exchange event is being held for those Landlords that wish to find out more on Monday 15 August at Oxford Town Hall.
For more information please follow the below link to Oxford City Council's website: